Implementation notes
Coordinate System
- Right-handed coordinate system
- Units in millimeters unless otherwise specified
- Angles in degrees unless otherwise specified
Priority Levels
- 0-24: Low priority (easily discarded if space constrained)
- 25-74: Normal priority
- 75-99: High priority
- 100: Critical (must be included)
Validation Requirements
Implementations MUST:
- Validate the JSON schema
- Verify all referenced files exist in models directory
- Validate all transformation matrices are valid
- Verify all normal vectors are unit vectors
- Check for UUID uniqueness in manifest
- Validate all units are consistent
- Verify all referenced manifestIds exist
Processing Requirements
Implementations MUST:
- Apply referenceTransform before applying any constraints
- Process constraints in order of priority
- Respect all FORBIDDEN_ORIENTATION constraints
- Maintain minimum part distances
- Apply optimization strategy if possible
- Future versions will maintain backward compatibility
- New constraint types may be added in future versions